the touching talk...

it has been a long time since i wrote my blog...i was just way too busy with my school the same time i had so much tuition too...during this period of time..i thought my life was finally lifting up..and yet i realize that not only that it is not lifting up but it is goin down...have you ever had that feeling?..i feel so happy yet so sad...ahh..i dunno la...
anyway, today my class and some other class went to the school hall to hear a is about a woman who had hot water poured on her face and now it is deformed...
the story goes like this..she was in a poor family and when she was born, her mother ran away...her father did not care about her and became an alcoholic..when she was 17, she had a boyfriend..she said that she was happy that she finally found someone that cared for her and loved her..then she lived with the man..and soon she got pregnant...she forced her boyfriend to get married to the end they got married although the boyfriend did not want to..then her boyfriend had an affair with someone else...then she divorced him and bringing her child..she went to work at a nightclub..she was very sad of what her ex husband did and started to drink, smoke and take the nightclub she had to drank and chat with the men to earn more money...then she met this guy.he was a troubled man..
then on one fateful night, the man can to her house during the middle of the night and complain to her that he had abdominal pain..she knew how uncomfortable it was to have abdominal pain so she invited him in...she made a cup of milk for him to make him comfortable and boil some water to help him cease the pain...then while she was making the milk...the man suddenly walk up to her and strangled her...he stretched out his hand and took a knife from the sink and stabbed her in the head and all over her if that wasn't enough, he took the boiling water and poured it all over her face...then her beautiful face became deformed and all swollen...
this happen 19 years ago..since then she went around telling ppl that life can still be happy although your outside may not look good...she told us that she had 24 surgeries to make her face look like now..but no matter how many surgeries were done, the doctors still could not help her have the beautiful face she used to have...she have lost sight of her right eye because of the hot water....i know it may sound like a movie..but i saw her face with my own eyes..what she said is true...i admit that i was touched...hehe...
well, i guess thats all for now...cheers~


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