string of events..birthday, performance, exams.......

It has been so long since i much had happened since i last posted..i was way too busy with my homework and school..
and what the heck..i finally realize PMR is very near..haha..
is it too late??....XD

First, i am going to talk about my me, this year was the best birthday i had so far..well, is because that someone actually wished me happy birthday..*smiles*..haha..and this year i had the most birthday wishes from my friends..and not to mention even more present..

the day before my birthday, me, michelle and sin yee went to this steamboat place to celebrate my birthday..haha..well, the truth is i never had a steamboat i was kinda sakai when i was we all were sakai..we also took too much food and in the end we had to think of ways to actually hide the rest of the food so we wouldn't be charged..haha..i really enjoyed myself that night...=D...thanks guys..
ON the actual day of my birthday, 15th july, i receive a lot of presents and wishes from my classmates and friends..=D..i realy thank you guys for making my day..and the best was i had the most special present i could get from that someone..but i really really was happy that day..

my family also celebrated at are some pics..

my sis, me and my bro XD

my birthday presents from my family. i love that twin tower.haha.because of my weird affection for miniatures..don ask...


Gala Seni SMK Green Road

my school organized this concert that was held in civic centre for two nights. the that whole week, it was so tiring, we had to carry the instruments from the school, up the stairs then back to school and then after that i had to go to school..haha..but the truth is i kinda enjoy carrying instruments though. don understand why so many ppl don like it, or am i weird?..who cares..haha..

on the first night, quite a lot of ppl showed up, we performed, they performed, it was an enjoyable night. the one i enjoyed most was the was quite cool and that performance had the loudest appluase.

the second night, had more programmes because there was the VIP. i had fun, it was interesting but i didn't take any photos.haha.too the end, we all took a group photo and that was the end of the concert. hope our ayahanda was happy about the response.haha.i don have much to say about this concert because personally, i don think it was a success.haha.


After the concert, it was exam time. my first mock to be more specific. it was quite nice to have the test in the morning because i feel more fresh than having test during the hot afternoon. i guess i did ok for the exams although i am still not satisfied with my results.i still can't get straight A's till will i get straight A's in PMR??...haih...

After mock, was holiday time. during the whole holiday, not one day was spent to prepare for the upcoming PMR.haha. i overnight at sin yee's house for two nights.during the second day, they prepared sort of a game to play. it was treasure hunting. we were divided into 2 groups. i was in the red groups, jordy and michelle teo was in my group. and the blue group consists of ik haw, michelle lim and christine. at the beginning of the game, neither group was leading then suddenly my group was leading and we had to play this aeroplane game. we could choose whether to take off or land the aeroplane.we decided to take off.luckily jordy knew how to play and we were quite fast.then we had to do something else to actually win the game. we have to find 20 grass, 10 ants, 3 flies and 3 fruits in sin yee's house.the grass, ants and the fruits were a piece of cake.the only problem was the fly.haha.we found 2 flies but the last flies made us lost the matter how we tried we couldn't catch that last fly.(i hate flies forever!).haha.but i realy had fun that day although we

me, michelle and jordy emo for losing the game because of ONE fly....XD

memorable times.....*smiles*

the only picture we manage to make sin yee take with us..haha..


well, i sure had a very memorable holiday thanks to them.=D. i guess thats all for now.gotta get prepared for my next mock next week. i haven't even opened one bloody book dead.haha.

and oh ya, i got merit for my piano exam.yay!!.don think i am a lunatic but i am really really really happy because i thought i might have failed!haha.XDDDD

anyway, cheers~


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