Is it the end?

Where are we now?
what are we now?
where do we stand now?
i'm on this boulevard of confusion.
trying to figure out if there might still be hope.

we met today.
i tried greeting you.
but that expression you carried as you saw me.
it showed it all..

suddenly the clouds of confusion were cleared,
my blurred hopes were cleaned,
my small glint of hope was broken,
marking the end of our friendship.

i'm sorry.
i was not a good friend.
i didn't appreciate you.
i'm sorry.

maybe without me,
your life is happier,
without my presence,
it actually might be better.

Thank you for being in my life.
all these years we had,
i'll cherish it to the end,
even though they may be faint memories.

i don't want this to end.
but you have closed the doors.
you have made a choice.
The end has finally came.


TzeKhin said…
hmm.. who is the person u met and gave you that expression that shows everything??

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