My blog is ALIVE again!!...well, sort of......

i know i know. my blog has been dead for, er..four months?..haha..i've been really really busy. with all the homework, exams, prefect, co-curricular activities, tuitions, i can barely find time to sleep..lols..anyway, loads had happen since i last updated..

The Miri Camp

about ten of us joined this music camp that was held at a school(pei min secondary school) in miri. it was like after exam, then during the holidays we went there. if i'm not wrong, it was a tuesday night, we all met at the airport and departed. this was really cool because it was my first time going somewhere out of kuching without my parent's guidance.haha.the flight was slightly delayed. by the time we reached there, it was quite late and most of us haven't eaten our dinner yet. so there were three cars that came to fetch us.

the lady that drove me there reminded me a lot of my bio teacher.lols.anyway, we reached the school. my first impression was: wow, this is some big school. then they brought us to their orchestra room. we opened the door and everyone was looking at us, because the camp actually started on monday, but we went on tuesday night. so we were the last batch of ppl. then we all went to our own sections, at that time they were practicing. i tried to play my part.lols. then at about 10 something, we went to our dormitories. on room had 5 ppl in it, my roommates were great. 3 of us from kuching and 2 of them from miri. they were really friendly.

the first night for me was rather horrible. because i always had trouble sleeping. so in the end i slept at 1 something. the next day i was really tired and then we all had to wake up and get ready by 6 something. lols. it was a fun experience. it was my first time sharing a room with so many ppl and sharing the toilet with them too.haha. the second day, third day and fourth day the practices and activities were tiring but fun. actually i have loads to write but i'm afraid it will bore you to death.haha. on some of the nights, some of us even went out to eat and slept was really fun.then it was the performance, i tried my best, but still, i'm quite disappointed.but it's the past now. after the performance, everyone started taking pictures.haha.2 guys from kuching were exceptionally "hot" many people ask for their hotmail, handphone and even blogspot[=.=]. then on sunday, it was sort of a one day trip. the miri people brought us around miri. we went to the beach, went shopping..

the people at miri are really really friendly. i really had fun there. their chinese are like totally geng, i feel so ashamed.XD.i met some nice friends there.especially from section. thanks to you guys for teaching me and stuffs.=D.the people there are like super talented too, i mean seriously.haha.i do regret that at the beginning i didn't really like this trip, but then i slowly got to like being there. i still kinda miss that place actually.hopefully i get to go again.

here are some pictures..

this is the super mosquito killer.XD.really super effective..

my stuff + zhang min's stuff + xin jie's stuff

our matresses.mine is the blue one with the purple sleeping bag.XD

hallway of "fame".XD.straight to the toilet.haha

min jing taking a nap.XD.(before being kicked by sin yee..)

after being kicked(notice the head)..haha..


-to be continued-



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