chess competiton

it has been quite some time since i updated my blog..heh...was too busy with all my project and stuffs...
i joined this chess competition because my friend wanted me to friend taught me how to play chess because i barely knew how to the competition was held on 29 adn 30 or march at SMK Tunku Abdul Rahman...on the first day, i went there and saw many people..i also made many friend in this competition..every contestant had to play 8 rounds..the person who wins the most rounds would first i was thinking how was i going to win as i just only started playing less than a the first round and second round i won..but the third and fourth i lost...then the fifth round...i won again..haha...
then on the second day, we had to finish round 6,7,8..when we reached there it was about to start...i was kind of nervous as i was not sure whether i would win or not..but in the end i won in all three that it was the prize giving ceremony..surprisingly i was in the top ten..i got number 6..heh...i was really very surprise..maybe i have finally found my talent is in playing chess..i feel like a nerd...haha...
well, i guess thats all for now..will try to update soon..


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