
I don't feel like i am having a because got too much tuition...this morning i just keep waking up, like for every half
after waking up, i got ready and went to school for performance...i was so tired from carrying all the after the performance, we had to wait in the room until the whole thing finish to carry the instruments from the back stage..during that time, something make a long story short..the thing had not been settled even though i had loads of help from my friends...
when i reach home, i decided to try to settle this i sms the person..and she said that she needed some time and it was not my i guess it is sort of settled...
then after that i went to have a swim ar sarawak club, i guess i too long didn't swim...swim for a while then out of breath
after that, i went home and got ready for tuition...the tuition was so tiring..because i was learning indices..i do until i feel so drowsy..haha...
well,guess thats all for now...ciao~


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