ending of the holidays

it has been quite a few days since i updated..hehe..i just kept forgetting..lol.....
so let me talk about wednesday..that was the day my sister's results came out..and she got 9A1, 1A2, and 1B3 for chinese..wow..now i have even more pressure..i really hate pmr...i have to get straight A's cause my sis got straight A's....lol...well, what to do...sometimes i just wonder how does her mind work??....haha...
thursday..hmm..went to tuition..my friends came to my house to teach me chess..lol..i joined a chess competition when i didn't even know how to play..am i too stupid or what?...hahaha...friday, i went to piano and in the afternoon was chess training again..haha...i even beat my friend once because he wasn't paying attention..hahaha...then at night, i went to the spring..went to the MPH bookstore and just looked around..after that we went to pick my sis from work and went home...
well, today was the most hectic day i had ever had...lol...my chinese orchestra training changed to saturday morning..so i woke up early and went there..it was ok..then after that,went home and bath and eat..then i went to tuition..we learn about reproduction..my god..so much to remember..haha...after that tuition, i went home to eat dinner and went to tuition again..it was not bad..was laughing the whole time..haha...then after that i went home and finally i can call it a day...
the holidays are almost over and i haven't finish my homeworks and project..i am so dead...i don even feel like i am having a holiday..haih..i rather just go to school and study..i feel so tired from all this homework..haha...well..hopefully tomorrow i can finish my homework in time....
guess thats all for now..will try to update everyday..lol...cheers~


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